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Take a look at the people who are making this conference possible.





Dear Delegates,

I slept through my first MUN. While I hold your sleep in the highest esteem and know it is a priority, please don't do the same. As your Chargé D'Comités (don't Google it to find out what that job entails, it doesn't tell you- trust me, I tried) I have one goal: to make sure SMUN’17 doesn't put you to sleep. This, I hope to achieve by ensuring every single agenda in every single committee will keep you on the edge of your seats with placard raised throughout the day. For your sake, I hope your co-delegate doesn't decide you're too incompetent to be given access to said placard.


Dear delegates, it is an honour to welcome all of you to SMUN’17. I was introduced to MUNning in 2013, and I immediately fell in love with the concept. It was then that I realised the complexity and gravity of world problems, and how petty and miniscule our issues are in comparison. It was this very experience that helped me develop an opinion of my own and become the informed and aware individual that I am today. The concept of an MUN may seem intimidating at first, but trust me, confidence is the key. From being just a Delegate to becoming the Deputy Secretary General for SMUN17, my journey has been a long but thrilling one. I hope that someday, you too have the chance to be a part of a great journey like this one.



Dear delegates, 

If anyone saw me at my first MUN they wouldn't have been able to recognise me now. This change in spite of being both positive and negative has made me realise the need to discuss any problem, irrespective of it's size and relevance. The most difficult problems often have the easiest solutions. This time at SMUN17, we hope to witness debate that brings forth, fresh perspective with a combination of confidence and enthusiasm. We hope that each one of you look forward to this event as much as we do.



Hello there, dear Delegates! As your Charge D'Affaires, I urge you to speak confidently, make your point smartly, write your resolutions intelligently and not bother our Logistics team too much. We hope you put in your best, as we have put in ours to make sure every aspect of this conference is perfect. 

Please refrain from playing Candy Crush and Snapchatting during committee because we have a very alert Press team and trust me, you don't want an article going up about your 'proceedings' in committee.

Happy MUNning! 




Dear delegates,

Welcome to SMUN '17! Pull up your socks and put on your blazers; get geared up for a fantastic journey and mind blowing experience.

Just a cautionary note in advance:

Do not mess with the Organizing Committee because the consequences will not be pleasant, at all.

And on that happy note, I wish you all the best of luck!

Fallacious Fools! 

The Secretariat

Efficiency is doing better than what is already being done. The Organizing Committee looks into every minor details and caters to every need. They are the back bone of this event, administering to everyone. They are your “go-to” people whose aspirations are success and purely that. They are persistent and dedicated to make your journey at SMUN17 a smooth one.

SMUN17 presents to you its sensational Secretariat.  With a plethora of talent and a culmination of miscellaneous world views, this powerful group of women are ready to elevate your experience of dialectic arguments and take you on an unforgettable journey.  Each of them are prepared to inspire you, help you bring out your best and push you into an ocean of current affairs and multiplicity of worldly problems. All they have to ask you right now is... are you ready?

The Executive Board is an exemplary team of individuals. They have been put together to create a group of the finest and most talented individuals, coming from different walks of life. Their experience and brilliance has brought them together at SMUN17 to raise the level of debates and intellectual arguments sky high and challenge you and the bounds of your intellect. They will lead your committee and will guide you on how to become the best delegate ever known.

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